January 14, 2009

Colors of dusk

Lines of light fade into greys,
A distant muezzin calls the evening.
Forgetting all diktats of mores,
A young soul prays-
asking for another bright sunny day,
where all those hidden appear with ease.

The horizon turns into a distant scarlet,
Watered up by a straight tangent of a forthright evening;
Settling breezy winds into vacant closets,
Of green foliage and a maid's toussled hair.

Changing soon to deep indigo,
The sky's bedecked as a princess of yore,
But the dark mood is intoxicating for niceties,
With some more heartbeats still to spare.

For daybreak is a speck, distant and away;
From all the excitement of an evening
Of moods and colors, spread and sway
Play along- sometimes a saunter, sometimes a shimmy!

Divya Rao
January 14, 2009


Eli Carlos Vieira said...

"[...]a young soul prays, asking for another bright sunny day, where all those hidden appear with ease[...]"

All the natural elements (sun, sky, lights...) make words sounds so clear and strong, showing that all that is living inside us, with us and for us.
I hope to understand more about your creation process someday.

I loved to received it from you at 23h59!


Anonymous said...

This one is quite original in expression:
“The horizon turns into a distant scarlet,
Watered up by a straight tangent of a forthright evening;”

D said...

eli- thanks! truly glad u liked it.

amitava- really appreciate ur words. thx.