February 09, 2009

Evolution Revisited

Void swells up a young heart,
Searing an uncertainty within.
A loving draft doesn’t embrace,
All the nervous chaos out.

Impenetrable the life seems,
What was once a welcoming garden.
Prickly thoughts disturb,
The landscape of equilibrium.

Regressing to childhood in a blink,
Blossoms of needs spring crowdedly;
It’s back to deciding which of the million parts to play,
Satisfying a bloating girth of wants.

Selfishness progresses, jealousy pervades,
Juvenile silliness of anger wrecks.
The mind that until then was in control,
Now gallops unbridled.

Does childhood ever evolve to a higher level of understanding?
Does inner evolution guarantee mind’s peaceful landing?
Answers resound from silent moments.
Elusive as an echo, the solution remains.

Divya Rao
February 8, 2009

February 01, 2009

Wishes – Distant and Kitsch

Mind wanders out of the window
Weaving many a silken dreams,
Of green highlands and fertile valleys below,
Over countless gushing desire streams.

Why does the far away cloud seem brighter?
Blue skies of target never looked better.
A cornucopia of freshness abounds,
That land of victory sounds.

So what if the unique lights are blinding,
The distant terrain has a rush of uncertainties binding
Mundane inanity with rational sensibility;
Though irrational thoughts seem unsteady.

As a million straight-laced questions bombard within,
Threatening to splash out any atypical fountain of wishes,
Hope of treading the unbeaten way emerges, givin’
What’s needed most – strength and courage for a start so kitsch!

Divya Rao
February 1, 2009